Scientific and Research Activity Report, 2016
Lecturers of the department work upon the general research topic ‘Urgent problems of foreign philology, translation studies and teaching methods of Germanic and Romance languages’. State identification number is 0116U001434; research supervisor is Kushneryk Volodymyr Ivanovych. Complex department research topic “Linguistic and pragmatic aspects of lexical units functioning in Germanic languages” is being worked upon within the frame of the general topic.
Different level language units in various genre discourse of Germanic languages mapping of the world are been studied in a complex analysis of their semantic, gramatic and cognitive peculiarities.
Wide range of scientific researches related to the theoretical-methodological, statistical, processing of empirical, language material are carried out as well as those related to generalizing analytical aspect of linguo-pragmatics of modern discourse. In general academic work deals with following trends:
- Lexical and semantical peculiarities of different level language units in interlinguistic communication;
- Cognitive conceptual characteristics of English and german language units, socio-cognitive characteristics of evaluated speech, emotive units and emphatic syntax patterns;
- Linguoculturological and anthropocentrical peculiarities of British, American and Australian variants of modern English language;
- Language and gender in linguocultural aspects; in particular, gender aspect of neologisms in modern English language;
- Research of grammatical aspects of epistemic modality patterns functioning in discourse;
- Terminological scope of English scientific discourse;
- Phonosemantic phenomenon and sound producing system functioning in a sound imitating and sound symbolic lexis of modern German language, in particular genetic and diachronic aspects of phonosemantics;
- Phrseological mapping of the world of English and German phraseological units;
- Analytical and theoretical research in scope of scientific methodology.
Polishing of the chosen topic represented in publishing line of articles, participation in conferences, textbooks and tutorials compiling also in Candidate dissertations defending.
In particular, studying the most significant tendencies in dynamics of grammatical, phonetical and lexical formation of modern German language is based on literary and professional English and German texts. These are recent methods of studying phonosemantic phenomena and description of operation of sound producing system in sound imitating and sound symbolic lexis of modern German language; also genetical and diachronic aspects of phonosemantic find their embodiment in works of young scientists of the department (Melnychuk R.M.). Aspects of semantically-structured and communicative peculiarities of German dialogue systematically are being studied (Gikov L.V.); regularity of creation of speech performative act with intention of supposition in German literary text and modal constructions in discourse segment of narrative (Shenko M.M.).
Assistant professors such as Tonenchuk T.V., Kovaliuk Y.V., Vakariuk R.V., Sydoriak K.Y. are actively attracted to the studying of language units on the phrase level. In research works they appeal to the phraseological mapping of the world; find new grammatical and semantical structural, etymological stylistically functional peculiarities of phraseological units; transformation of phraseological units in a structure of biblical expressions as a part of phrasal and semantical field.
Linguo-pragmatics of modern discourse is impossible to study without cognitive and functional aspect of comparison, especially during the studying of particular type of lexical units. Assistant professor Dribniuk O.T. studies comparative characteristics foreshortened in functional and semantical potential of colorism; Botsvinok L.M. described peculiarities of Australian English language in comparison to British.
New approaches in studying of semantic peculiarities of separate category of language units draws attention of Candidate of Philology Melnychuk N.O., who studies role of expressiveness in structure of English adjectival emotive units. Associate professor Balanuik S.S. analyses etymology of semantic peculiarities adjectives with meaning of “special” on the basis of literary text. Language and gender of neologisms in linguocultural aspect of British and American variants of modern English is a subject of studying for Associate professor Maniutina O.I.